Zone Map


Tsuga canadensis Zone 3b Canadian Hemlock
Graceful coniferous evergreen.  Dense tree with mid-green, short fine leaves.  Quite often multi-stemmed and forms a broad conical tree.
4' B&B  
5' B&B  
Tsuga canadensis Bennett Zone 3b Bennett’s Weeping Hemlock
Compact mat-like shrub with arching branches.  Grows wider than high.
15" 3 Gal  
18" 5 Gal  
24" 10 Gal  
Tsuga canadensis Coles Prostrate Zone 3b Coles’s prostrate Weeping Hemlock
Ideal slow spreading hemlock.  Very prostrate, hugs rocks and walls.
15" 3 Gal  
18" 5 Gal  
24" 10 Gal  
Tsuga canadensis Jeddeloh Zone 3b Jeddeloh’s Weeping Hemlock
A selection of weeping hemlock that forms a nest. Spreading dwarf mound with a depressed center.  Lush deep green foliage.
15" 3 Gal  
18" 5 Gal  
24" 10 Gal  
Tsuga canadensis Sargentii Zone 3b Sargent’s Weeping Hemlock
A slow growing, spreading and mounding shrub.  Can be used to hang over walls and banks.
15" 3 Gal  
18" 5 Gal  
24" 10 Gal