Zone Map


Taxus baccata Repandens Zone 5 Spreading English Yew
Good clean evergreen shrub. Valued as a basic landscape plant as ground cover. Deep, dark green foliage on long horizontal spreading branches. Does well in deep shade.
18" B&B  
24" B&B  
30" B&B  
Taxus x media Hicksii Zone 4 Hicks Yew
A columnar yew with dark green needles growing to 20’. Narrow at a young age but becoming broader with time.
24" B&B  
3' B&B  
4' B&B  
Taxus x media Coles Zone 4 Coles Yew
Coles Yew is of unclear origin - possibly from Oregon State University - it has been stated as an improved Hicks Yew with darker foliage and fatter habit..
24" B&B  
3' B&B  
4' B&B